Sept. 28, 2023

How to Create Marketing and Sales Alignment

Today, I go deep on how to approach aligning your marketing and sales teams. It’s a topic I repeatedly hear most companies struggling with, and I’m excited to discuss the following:

  • The definition of what a good lead is 
  • How to get marketing and sales to collaborate on a sales pitch
  • The importance of incorporating a sales pitch testing protocol 
  • Why you need structure to bring together marketing, sales, and product teams

We’re getting so close to the launch of my next book, Sales Pitch! You can pre-order it today on Amazon with the links below: 

Amazon Canada

Amazon USA

Amazon UK

If you want to skip ahead:

(00:00) Welcome and new book

(01:05) Marketing and sales alignment

(02:17) What is a good lead

(06:10) How marketing builds sales pitches

(09:05) Bringing marketing, sales, product, and executives together to craft positioning 

(13:40) Create a sales pitch testing protocol 

(20:19) Before you bring teams together, make sure you have structure 

Where To Find April Dunford:

Podcast Website: 

Personal Website: 




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